Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 300

Challenge 1:

Beautiful Arrangement

You are given a positive integer, $int.

Write a script to return the number of beautiful arrangements that you can construct.

A permutation of n integers, 1-indexed, is considered a beautiful arrangement 
if for every i (1 <= i <= n) either of the following is true:

1) perm[i] is divisible by i
2) i is divisible by perm[i]
Example 1
Input: $n = 2
Output: 2

1st arrangement: [1, 2]
    perm[1] is divisible by i = 1
    perm[2] is divisible by i = 2
2nd arrangement: [2, 1]
    perm[1] is divisible by i = 1
    i=2 is divisible by perm[2] = 1
Example 2
Input: $n = 1
Output: 1
Example 3
Input: $n = 10
Output: 700

I was reading up on algorithms and learned (or rather relearned because I'm sure I did this sort of thing in university many years ago) that a backtracking algorithm is good for combinatorial problems such as this.

The main function is extremely simple. All it does is recursively call the backtrack() function with the $int which is our input and an initial position of 1.

say backtrack($int, 1);

This is backtrack().

sub backtrack($int, $pos) {

We create an array initialized with a number of False values equal to the value of $int plus 1, indicating that no numbers have been used yet. By declaring it a state variable, we ensure that the array will retain its state across recursive calls.

    state @used = False xx ($int + 1);

This variable will hold how many Beautiful Arrangements have been constructed.

    my $count = 0;

Every recursive function needs a 'halting conditionso it does not go on forever. In this case, if the current position is greater than$int`, it means a Beautiful Arrangement has been found so 1 is returned.

    if $pos > $int {
        return 1;

Now we iterate over the range 1 to $int...

    for 1 .. $int -> $i {

...and if the number $i has not been @used and the current position is divisible by $i or $i is divisible by the current position, we mark $i as @used, and recursively call backtrack() with the next position, adding its' result to $count. Then we unmark it again.

        if !@used[$i] && ($i %% $pos || $pos %% $i) {
            @used[$i] = True;
            $count += backtrack($int, $pos + 1);
            @used[$i] = False;

Finally we should have the total number of Beautiful Arrangements in $count which we return for output.

    return $count;

(Full code on Github.)

For the Perl version, we will be making use of the new, experimental true and false builtins so these 2 lines are needed at the top of the script.

use builtin qw/ true false /;
no warnings 'experimental::builtin';

This is what backtrack() looks like:

sub backtrack($int, $pos) {
    state @used = false x ($int + 1);
    my $count = 0;

    if ($pos > $int) {
        return 1;

    for my $i (1 .. $int) {

Because we dont have the %% operator in Perl, we have to explicitly check if numbers are evenly divisble.

        if (!$used[$i] && ($i % $pos == 0 || $pos % $i == 0)) {
            $used[$i] = true;
            $count += backtrack($int, $pos + 1);
            $used[$i] = false;

    return $count;

(Full code on Github.)

Challenge 2:

Nested Array

You are given an array of integers, @ints of length n containing permutation of the numbers in the range `[0, n - 1].

Write a script to build a set, set[i] = ints[i], ints[ints[i]], ints[ints[ints[i]]], ..., subjected to the following rules:

1. The first element in set[i] starts with the selection of elements ints[i].
2. The next element in set[i] should be ints[ints[i]], and then ints[ints[ints[i]]], and so on.
3. We stop adding right before a duplicate element occurs in set[i].

Return the longest length of a set set[i].

Example 1
Input: @ints = (5, 4, 0, 3, 1, 6, 2)
Output: 4

ints[0] = 5
ints[1] = 4
ints[2] = 0
ints[3] = 3
ints[4] = 1
ints[5] = 6
ints[6] = 2

One of the longest sets set[k]:
set[0] = {ints[0], ints[5], ints[6], ints[2]} = {5, 6, 2, 0}
Example 2
Input: @ints = (0, 1, 2)
Output: 1

Once again, MAIN() is very short.

say longestSet(@ints);

The longestSet() function takes the list of @ints as its' paramaeters.

sub longestSet(@ints) {

First storage is set up for the length of the longest set.

    my $maxLength = 0;

Then we iterate over the list of @ints with $i as the index of the current element, and $val as its' value.

    for @ints.kv -> $i, $val {

We create a hash to keep track of the indices that have been visited.

        my %seen;

The current index is initialized to the starting index for this iteration.

        my $current = $i;

And the current length of the set is initialized to 9.

        my $length = 0;

Now until the current index is revisited...

        while !%seen{$current} {

...we mark it as visited...

            %seen{$current} = True;

...move to the next index as determined by the value of the current element...

            $current = @ints[$current];

...and increase the length of the set.


By now we have a set. If it is longer than the current longest set, it becaomes the new longest set.

        if $length > $maxLength {
            $maxLength = $length;

The length of the longest set is returned for output.

    return $maxLength;

(Full code on Github.)

This is the Perl version. It also uses the experimental true and false builtins.

sub longestSet(@ints) {
    my $maxLength = 0;

For the longest time I didn't think Perl had anything like Raku's .kv() method then during a previous challenge, I discovered each() which, though it is hard to guess from the name, does the same thing.

    while (my ($i, $val) = each @ints) {
        my %seen;
        my $current = $i;
        my $length = 0;

        while (!$seen{$current}) {
            $seen{$current} = true;
            $current = $ints[$current];

        if ($length > $maxLength) {
            $maxLength = $length;

    return $maxLength;

(Full code on Github.)