Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 287

Challenge 1:

Strong Password

You are given a string, $str.

Write a program to return the minimum number of steps required to make the given string very strong password. If it is already strong then return 0.


- It must have at least 6 characters.
- It must contains at least one lowercase letter, at least one upper case letter and at least one digit.
- It shouldn't contain 3 repeating characters in a row.

Following can be considered as one step:

- Insert one character
- Delete one character
- Replace one character with another
Example 1
Input: $str = "a"
Output: 5
Example 2
Input: $str = "aB2"
Output: 3
Example 3
Input: $str = "PaaSW0rd"
Output: 0
Example 4
Input: $str = "Paaasw0rd"
Output: 1
Example 5
Input: $str = "aaaaa"
Output: 2

I'm not sure if this is the most efficient solution but this is what I came up with.

Normally, arguments passed into a Raku script are immutable. In this case I wanted to be able to modify $str so I declared it in the parameters of MAIN() like this:

    Str $str is copy

In the body of MAIN() first we declare a variable to store the number of steps taken.

    my $steps = 0;

Then a bunch of strings containing various sets of characters.


    my $digits = ('0' .. '9').join;

...lower-case letters...

    my $lower = ('a' .. 'z').join;

...upper-case letters...

    my $upper = ('A' .. 'Z').join;

...and all of the above.

    my $all = $digits ~ $lower ~ $upper;

Then we have some strings containing combinations of the ones above.

All except digits...

    my $nondigits = $lower ~ $upper;

...all except lower-case...

    my $nonlower = $digits ~ $upper;

...and all except upper-case.

    my $nonupper = $digits ~ $lower;

First we shall address criterion 3. We look for runs of characters that repeat 3 times.

    while $str ~~ /(.)$0$0/ {

If we find such a character we determine which type it is (i.e. digit, lower-case or upper-case.) and assign the string that does not contain that type to $chars.

        my $chars = $0.Str ~~ $lower
            ?? $nonlower
            !! $0.Str ~~ $upper
                ?? $nonupper
                !! $digits;

Then we substitute the middle character from the run with a random character from $chars. To get a random character we use the .pick(1) method from the List class. So first we need to convert $chars to a List of characters with .comb(). Even if you only .pick() one character it is returned as a List so we get the character back out with .first().

        $str = $str.subst($/, $/.substr(0, 2) ~ $chars.comb.pick(1).first);

We have undertaken a step so our counter is incremented.


Next is criterion 2. For this we just scan through $str for each of our classes of characters by interpolating them into regular expressions as Lists with .comb(). If there is no match, a random character from that class (using .pick() etc. as above) is appended to the end of $str. Each time we append a character, $steps is incremented.

    if $str !~~ / @($digits.comb) / {
        $str ~= $digits.comb.pick(1).first;

    if $str !~~ / @($lower.comb) / {
        $str ~= $lower.comb.pick(1).first;

    if $str !~~ / @($upper.comb) / {
        $str ~= $upper.comb.pick(1).first;

The last criterion is the first one. All we have to do for this one is to measure if $str is less than 6 characters long and if so, add the missing amount by .pick()ing random characters from the $all class. For each character that is appended, $steps is incremented.

    while $str.chars < 6 {
        $str ~= $all.comb.pick(1).first;

When all criteria have been met, we print the number of $steps taken.

    say $steps;

(Full code on Github.)

This is the Perl version.

sub pickOne($str) {
    return substr $str, int(rand(length $str)), 1;

In Perl we don't have to worry about immutability.

my $str = shift;
my $steps = 0;

my $digits = join q{}, '0' .. '9';
my $lower = join q{}, 'a' .. 'z';
my $upper = join q{}, 'A' .. 'Z';
my $all = $digits . $lower . $upper;
my $nondigits = $lower . $upper;
my $nonlower = $digits . $upper;
my $nonupper = $digits . $lower;

while ($str =~ /((.)\g{-1}\g{-1})/) {

To find if a character is in a class we use the index() function. We could also use smartmatch (~~) as we did in Raku but I am used to doing this way.

    my $chars = (index($lower, $2) > -1)
        ? $nonlower
        : (index($upper, $2) > -1)
            ? $nonupper
            : $digits;
    my $c = $1;

To include code in a substitution in Perl, you need the e adverb.

    $str =~ s/$c/substr($c, 0, 2) . pickOne($chars)/e;

if ($str !~ / [$digits] /x) {
    $str .= pickOne($digits);

if ($str !~ / [$lower] /x) {
    $str .= pickOne($lower);

if ($str !~ / [$upper] /x) {
    $str .= pickOne($upper);

while (length $str < 6) {
    $str .= pickOne($all);

say $steps;

Perl doesn't have .pick() so we have to provide our own version which I called pickOne().

sub pickOne($str) {
    return substr $str, int(rand(length $str)), 1;

(Full code on Github.)

Challenge 2:

Valid Number

You are given a string, $str.

Write a script to find if it is a valid number.

Conditions for a valid number:

- An integer number followed by an optional exponent.
- A decimal number followed by an optional exponent.
- An integer number is defined with an optional sign '-' or '+' followed by digits.

Decimal Number:

A decimal number is defined with an optional sign '-' or '+' followed by one of the following definitions:
- Digits followed by a dot '.'.
- Digits followed by a dot '.' followed by digits.
- A dot '.' followed by digits.


An exponent is defined with an exponent notation 'e' or 'E' followed by an integer number.
Example 1
Input: $str = "1"
Output: true
Example 2
Input: $str = "a"
Output: false
Example 3
Input: $str = "."
Output: false
Example 4
Input: $str = "1.2e4.2"
Output: false
Example 5
Input: $str = "-1."
Output: true
Example 6
Input: $str = "+1E-8"
Output: true
Example 7
Input: $str = ".44"
Output: true

Raku has a wonderful feature which I don't think any other language has called grammars. Think of them as regular expressions on steroids. This is the grammar that expresses the rules given in the spec:

grammar Number {
    rule TOP { <number> }
    rule number { <integer> | <decimal> }
    rule integer { <sign>?<digit>+<exponent>? }
    rule decimal { <sign>?<digit>+<decimalpoint><digit>* | <sign>?<decimalpoint><digit>+ }
    rule exponent { <exponentsymbol><integer> }

    token sign { <[+ -]> }
    token digit { <[0 .. 9]> }
    token decimalpoint { <[.]> }
    token exponentsymbol { <[e E]> }

Now it is dead simple to determine if we have a valid number or not. We just have to create a Number object and call its' .parse() method with $str. The result will be a Match object or Nil so we convert it into a boolean with .so and print it out with .say().


(Full code on Github.)

For Perl I used the Parse::RecDescent module to provide the functionality of Raku grammars. So first I had to add this to the top of the script:

use Parse::RecDescent;

This is the grammar:

my $grammar = q{

The initial rule that Raku calls TOP is called startrule here.

    startrule: number

I had problems because the behavior of Parse::RecDescent is different from Raku; if I understand this right, it always tries to make the shortest possible match whereas Raku prefers the longest match. So I wasn't able to do a direct translation. For instance, I had to break up the decimal rule into two separate rules and place decimal before integer in the number rule.

my $grammar = q{
    number: decimal1
        | decimal2
        | integer
    decimal1: sign(?) digit(s) decimalpoint
    decimal2: sign(?) decimalpoint digit(s)
    integer: sign(?) digit(s) exponent(?)

    decimalpoint: '.'
    exponent: /[eE]/ integer
    sign: /[-+]/
    digit: /\d/

Now we create a new Parse::RecDescent object and call the startrule() method. By passing in $str by reference this will return the portion of $str that is not matched.

my $number = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar)->startrule(\$str);

So if the final length of $str is more than 0, the number is invalid and we print 'false' otherwise we print 'true'.

say 0+(length $str) ? 'false' : 'true';

(Full code on Github.)

UPDATE After I submitted this, I realized both my Perl and Raku solutions are a little bit wrong. According to the spec, decimal numbers should also be able to have exponents. The way I have constructed grammars, only integer numbers can. However my solution does give the correct answers for all the examples so I shall leave it as is for now.