Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 109

Challenge 1:

Chowla Numbers

Write a script to generate first 20 Chowla Numbers, named after, Sarvadaman D. S. Chowla, a London born Indian American mathematician. It is defined as:

C(n) = sum of divisors of n except 1 and n
0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 5, 0, 6, 3, 7, 0, 15, 0, 9, 8, 14, 0, 20, 0, 21

When I first read this, I groaned inwardly at the prospect of another Maths problem but suprisingly this was pretty easy to implement.

The main routine of the Raku version looks like this:

sub MAIN() {
    my @numbers;

    for 1 .. 20 -> $n {

    @numbers.join(q{, }).say;

All it does is calculate the Chowla numbers from 1 to 20, and push them into an array. The array is then printed with each element separated by commas.

The chowla() subroutine is where the actual calculation takes place and it is a one-liner in Raku.

sub chowla(Int $n) {
    return [+] (1 ^.. $n div 2).grep({ $n %% $_; });

(Full code on Github.)

(1 ^.. $n div 2) is a range from 2 to half of $n. (div is the integer division operator.) This is enough space to search for all divisors except 1 and $n itself. .grep({ $n %% $_; }) gives the numbers in the range that divide without a remainder i.e divisors. And finally, [+] adds them all up.

In Perl we don't have convenient operators like div, %% and [+] so the code is longer.

sub chowla {
    my ($n) = @_;
    my $total = 0;

    for my $i (2 .. $n / 2) {
        if ($n % $i == 0) {
            $total += $i;

    return $total;

(Full code on Github.)

Challenge 2:

Four Squares Puzzle

You are given four squares as below with numbers named a,b,c,d,e,f,g.

            (1)                    (3)
    ╔══════════════╗      ╔══════════════╗
    ║              ║      ║              ║
    ║      a       ║      ║      e       ║
    ║              ║ (2)  ║              ║  (4)
    ║          ┌───╫──────╫───┐      ┌───╫─────────┐
    ║          │   ║      ║   │      │   ║         │
    ║          │ b ║      ║ d │      │ f ║         │
    ║          │   ║      ║   │      │   ║         │
    ║          │   ║      ║   │      │   ║         │
    ╚══════════╪═══╝      ╚═══╪══════╪═══╝         │
               │       c      │      │      g      │
               │              │      │             │
               │              │      │             │
               └──────────────┘      └─────────────┘

Write a script to place the given unique numbers in the square box so that sum of numbers in each box is the same.

Input: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7


    a = 6
    b = 4
    c = 1
    d = 5
    e = 2
    f = 3
    g = 7

    Box 1: a + b = 6 + 4 = 10
    Box 2: b + c + d = 4 + 1 + 5 = 10
    Box 3: d + e + f = 5 + 2 + 3 = 10
    Box 4: f + g = 3 + 7 = 10

This is somewhat similar to the "Olympic Rings" problem in PWC 43 so I used a similar approach here.

sub MAIN(
    *@n where { @n.elems == 7 } #= 7 integers

The input is given on the command line and stored as an array of seven elements.

) {
    my @labels = 'a' .. 'g';

It will be easier to address parts of the boxes by array subscripts (i.e. 0 - 6) but the spec wants us to use the letters a - g so the @labels array will be used to map between the two schemes.

    for @n.permutations -> @permutation {

The .permutations() method, as the name suggests, returns a list of all the permutations of an array.

        my $box1 = @permutation[0] + @permutation[1];
        my $box2 = @permutation[1] + @permutation[2] + @permutation[3];
        my $box3 = @permutation[3] + @permutation[4] + @permutation[5];
        my $box4 = @permutation[5] + @permutation[6];

We take the values in each permutation and create the boxes.

        if $box1 == $box2 == $box3 == $box4 {
            for 0 ..^ @permutation.elems -> $i {
                say @labels[$i],  ' = ', @permutation[$i];
            print "\n"

If all the boxes have the same value, we have a valid answer and we can print it out using @labels to make the format the spec requires.


(Full code on Github.)

It turns out for the values 1 to 7, there are 8 possible combinations that will work.

This is the equivalent code in Perl. Perl doesn't have a builtin .permutations() method so once again I used the permute() function given in the perlfaq4 POD page to replace it.

my @labels = 'a' .. 'g';
my @permutations;
permute { push @permutations, \@_; } @ARGV;

for my $permutation (@permutations) {
    my $box1 = $permutation->[0] + $permutation->[1];
    my $box2 = $permutation->[1] + $permutation->[2] + $permutation->[3];
    my $box3 = $permutation->[3] + $permutation->[4] + $permutation->[5];
    my $box4 = $permutation->[5] + $permutation->[6];

A little peeve. Perl doesn't let you chain the == operator like Raku so you have to do it this way.

    if ($box1 == $box2 && $box2 == $box3 && $box3 == $box4) {
        for my $i (0 .. scalar @{$permutation} - 1) {
            say $labels[$i],  ' = ', $permutation->[$i];
        print "\n"

(Full code on Github.)